The Zooplankton Index is a concise way of visualizing the variability of biomass for select taxonomic groups in Northern Washington and Puget Sound regions. This indicator shows the change in annual average biomass of each zooplankton group, calculated from z-scores. Z-scores depict how far the biomass differs from the annual mean. Values closer to zero are near average, while values farther from zero show a greater difference above or below the average in any particular year. While these values do not indicate “good” or “bad” outcomes for zooplankton, they are useful in determining the degree of change these communities encounter over time.
Zooplankton Index reported as z-scores from 2014-2023 for five taxa groups in two regions, Northern Washington (NWA) and Puget Sound (PS). Colors indicate whether the annual average biomass was 1-3 standard deviations (SD) above (positive) or below (negative) the mean. Values are relative to the calculated mean of each region and taxon.
No targets are currently set for this indicator.