This indicator measures the number of eelgrass sites that are increasing, decreasing, stable, or absent. We calculate the change in eelgrass area at a site over two time periods: short-term (6 years), and long-term (all years monitored). This indicator complements soundwide area reporting by identifying change on smaller scales.
Trends in eelgrass area at 214 randomly selected sites in greater Puget Sound. Horizontal bars show the percentage of all sites with eelgrass declines (red), increases (green), no trend (white), trace eelgrass or no eelgrass (grey). Site trends are shown for 3 regions of greater Puget Sound: San Juan Islands and Strait of Juan de Fuca (SJS), Northern Puget Sound and Saratoga Whidbey Basin (NPS/SWH), and Central Puget Sound and Hood Canal (CPS/HDC). The top part of the graph shows long-term trends (based on all data between 2000 and 2023). The bottom part is based on data from 2018-2023 (recent trends). The star indicates there is a significant difference between the number of increasing and declining sites for the region as a whole (not just in the selected sample).
By 2030, see no significant difference between the number of sites with increases and declines in eelgrass area in each of three sub-regions of Puget Sound (no net loss).
By 2050, sites with long term increases in eelgrass area significantly outnumber sites with declines in each of three sub-regions of Puget Sound (net gain).